Tools - PowerShell


Use PowerShell to create a handy terminal under Windows.

Working with Cmder

It is best to take it with Cmder.

Configuration file location

PowerShell 6 default profile ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1.

PowerShell 7 default profile <My Documents>/PowerShell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Cmder’s PowerShell profile <cmd_install_path>/config/user-profile.ps1.


Quick access to a Directory

Example: Quick access to d:\sources\ Directory via src command.

function Enter-Sources {
    cd d:\sources\

Set-Alias ​​src Enter-Sources

Quickly open current folder

Example: Use the e. command to quickly open the current folder in the explorer.

function Open-Current-Directory {

Set-Alias ​​e. Open-Current-Directory
## gs=git status
function Git-Status {
    git status

Set-Alias ​​gs Git-Status

## ga=git add .
function Git-Add-All {
    git add .

Set-Alias ​​ga Git-Add-All

function Git-Gui {

Set-Alias ​​gg Git-Gui

## gpull=git pull origin <current branch>
function Git-Pull-Current-Branch {
    $currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD
    git pull origin $currentBranch

Set-Alias ​​gpull Git-Pull-Current-Branch

## gpush=git push origin <current branch>
function Git-Push-Current-Branch {
    $currentBranch = git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD
    git push origin $currentBranch

Set-Alias ​​gpush Git-Push-Current-Branch

## g1=add, commit, push one-stop
function Git-Commit-And-Push {
    git add .
    git commit -m $args[0]

Set-Alias ​​g1 Git-Commit-And-Push


function Obj-Dump {
    D:\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle\toolchains\x86_64-4.9\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\x86_64-linux-android-objdump.exe $args

Set-Alias ​​objdump Obj-Dump

Shortcut keymap

After switching from Linux/macOS bash or even Windows cmd, I found that shortcut keys such as ctrl-u and ctrl-k are not available. PSReadLine saves you.

# ctrl-k, ctrl-u, ctrl-a, ctrl-e, ctrl-b, ctrl-f, etc
Import-Module PSReadLine
Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs

Common commands

View PATH environment variable

type env:path

Or display them on one line each:

(type env:path) -split ';'

You can also filter:

(type env:path) -split ';' | sls bin

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